Website packages for small

How it works?

Select Your Package

Choose a package from the below
to suit your business and budget best.
Supply your Content

Upload your Logo, Text, Contact info
and supply high resolution images.
We Build & Launch

We Choose colours, fonts and images to
suit your brand for the selected package.
Our Packages


WordPress Platform
Responsive Design
Interactive Slideshow
3 x Stock Photos
Editable Text
Contact Form

WordPress Platform
Responsive Design
Interactive Slideshow
About & Services Included
3 x Stock Photos
Editable Text
Contact Form

WordPress Platform
Responsive Design
Interactive Slideshow
About & Services Included
Interactive Editable Gallery
3 x Stock Photos Included
Editable Text
Contact Form

New start-up businesses and existing businesses. Our main target audience is small businesses who are after a stylish, responsive and editable website.
Here at Kickstarter, we build all new websites in WordPress, a Content Management System (CMS) platform. A CMS allows YOU to manage your website from a user-friendly interface. You can make changes on your website from an admin area which is quite easy to understand, even for absolute beginners.
Text: All paragraph text, services text and contact us text is completely editable by the end user.
Imagery: services thumbnail images and gallery images are editable by the end user.
Social Media Links: all 3 social media links are editable by the end user.
Upon your site going live you will receive an instruction guide on explaining how these edits can be made.
Template Website
A template website is a pre-designed webpage that anyone can use to “plug-in” their own text and images to create a website.
If you’re on a small budget and need a quick turnaround, a template design might be your best option.
Custom Website
A custom designed website allows for every element of the website to be custom designed to fit your needs. Your strategy and content come first and the design is built around it. A custom website is highly recommended if you have complex business needs or are in need of a marketing strategy.
We offer total custom web solutions through our partner company Modemedia. Click here to visit their website: www.modemedia.com.au
Yes you can! Simply supply your domain username and password details. Please also advise where you registered your domain name (for example: www.ventraip.com.au)
We recommend registering a domain name through Ventra IP: https://ventraip.com.au/domain-names/register/
Logo must be supplied as either: EPS, AI, PDF as a high-res Vector file.
We offer logo design as an additional service through our partner company Modemedia.
Visit their website here: www.modemedia.com.au
Turnaround time is 2 business days from the time you receive an email from us stating that your website has gone into development
We offer total custom web solutions (such as website look & feels, multi-page websites, e-commerce solutions and more!) through our partner company Modemedia.
Click here to visit their website: www.modemedia.com.au